Rock House and Laurel Creek, Wayne County, February 12, 1864.
Among those disappointed were representatives from Toll Brothers, some residents in Laurel Creek and the four council members who favored the zoning requests.
It is believed to be extirpated from Laurel Creek, the only other stream where it was known to occur.
Laurel Creek Gap and Clinch Mountain October 1.
From Damascus, hikers, cyclists and equestrians ascend to Whitetop, following Laurel Creek.
The culvert that replaced the trestle still stands today, where it allows Laurel Creek to flow through.
Cotton Hill and Laurel Creek November 12.
Underneath, Laurel Creek is a designated trout stream with excellent waters, and during the bridge construction much effort was taken not to degrade the high-quality fishing available there.
The nearby Dempsey Mound in Fayette County, along Laurel Creek, was also reduced before modern science arrived.
The name probably comes from the stream, "Laurel Creek" which flows through the village.