"League of American Theaters" — Collocation dictionary inglés

Automatic translation (We do not guarantee its correctness): Liga American Theaters
  1. theater sustantivo + league sustantivo
    Loose collocation

    He said his union had a meeting scheduled later this week with the grievance committee at the League of American Theaters and Producers.

    Similar collocations:

similar to "League of American Theaters" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | Mirar "League of American Theaters" in inglés

American National Theater and Academy , ANTA (abbreviation) = American National Theater and Academy (amerykańskie stowarzyszenie propagujące teatr)

similar to "League of American Theaters" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | Mirar "League of American Theaters" in Polish

nombre propio
nazwa drużyny baseballowej (grająca we wschodniej dywizji American League) = Boston Red Sox