In 1992, it participated in Lebanese elections for the first time, winning 12 out of 128 seats in parliament.
Witness the lesson learned from the Lebanese elections this year.
Note: Both sides agreed that the Lebanese election, held the following day, was "too close to call."
Lebanese abroad are not presently permitted the right to vote in Lebanese elections.
The president's move to introduce proportional representation to Lebanese elections is a step toward dismantling political sectarianism.
In the 2009 Lebanese elections, Moawad decided not to run for a seat in her district.
In the municipal Lebanese elections of 2004, it counted 14,602 registered voters, of which 8771 voted.
Lebanese presidential elections are indirect, with the President being elected to a 6 year term by the Parliament.
Syria established an absolute power in Lebanese elections of 1992, 1996 and 2000 through Kanaan.
Fadel was elected as a representative of Tripoli in the 2009 Lebanese election.