The Legislature has accepted Governor Wilson's plan to keep school spending steady with a series of bookkeeping acrobatics.
They also held out the possibility that they would take the matter to court if the Legislature did not accept 800 pages of amendments to restore cutbacks.
The law does not allow the governor or the Legislature to accept some recommendations and not others; they must accept or reject the plan as a whole.
But laws should be passed in the normal way; they should not be made in a $110 billion budget that the Legislature can only accept or reject.
The Legislature on Friday accepted a Government proposal to give depositors 25 percent of their money next week, up to $65,000.
The governor included other savings that if history serves as a guide, the Legislature will never accept.
Pennsylvania's Legislature accepted the invitation, driven by anti-abortion members who hoped their new laws would bring down Roe when tested.
"There are other changes that you could do, but they would be controversial, and it would be harder to persuade the Legislature to accept."
Worse, he failed to demand that the Legislature accept any serious reform measures in return for his capitulation.
In its bare-bones budget, the Legislature accepted Mr. Pataki's figure, leaving districts with far less aid than they expected.