But he predicted the Legislature would soon impose tighter control over the trust funds.
The Legislature imposed some new taxes and raised a number of obscure fees on items like hunting licenses to bring in about $85 million more.
In a referendum last November, California voters killed a sales tax on snack foods that the Legislature had imposed the year before.
City officials say they would look warily on any arrangement in which the Legislature might impose conditions or try to manage the city's affairs.
The Legislature imposed a deadline for certification because of the short time frame within which to begin and conclude an election contest.
Under new strictures that the Legislature imposed on itself last year, its ability to borrow its way out of the problem is sharply curtailed.
Nor was it clear if he would push the Legislature to impose new reporting requirements for lobbyists and to increase enforcement of the lobbying law.
But the Legislature imposed no new state taxes to cover the additional spending.
Instead, Mr. Cuomo and the Legislature imposed a $50 million cut.
Legislatures and courts should impose sanctions on plaintiffs and lawyers who bring such frivolous libel actions.