But the Lehman collapse was only devastating because the Western world's core banking system was so riddled with bad bets and leverage foisted on it by its investment banking masters.
New data just out from Zillow, the real-estate information company, show house prices are falling at their fastest rate since the Lehman collapse.
In 2008, attention was drawn to a form known as repo 105 following the Lehman collapse, as it was alleged that repo 105s had been used as an accounting trick to hide Lehman's worsening financial health.
The Great White Shark, whose Sunday feeding frenzy of eight birdies was full of sound and fury signifying nothing but futility, realized before long that whatever hopes he had of a Lehman collapse were gone.
The French 10-year government bond yield spread over its German equivalent, having more than tripled since mid-summer, is now twice as wide as in the immediate aftermath of the Lehman collapse.
Lehman collapse: lives shattered, markets in turmoil.
Economist and expert on the Great Depression hopes that the Lehman collapse will lead to real regulatory reform.
Indeed, loans for home purchases reached their highest number since December 2009 in November thanks to the loosest mortgage-lending conditions seen since the Lehman collapse, according to the latest mortgage monitor from e. surv chartered surveyors.
Back in 2009, in the aftermath of the Lehman collapse, Beijing's central economic planners launched an almighty stimulus package, driven by a huge increase in bank lending.
In both UK and USA there are many proposals being discssed on how to build a new Glass-Steagall to prevent repeat of 2008 Lehman collapse and knock-on effects.