Leroy Johnson, the granddaddy of Death Valley historians, believes someone stashed "the bunk trunk" in the late 1970s.
Placement marriage became the common practice in Short Creek during the presidency of Leroy Johnson.
The principal, Leroy Johnson, saw her action as a clear-cut violation of the ban on proselytizing by teachers.
"Here's the difference this place makes for me," said Leroy Johnson, a recovering alcoholic who brought his 9-month-old daughter Aleena with him to class.
Leroy Johnson, 63, surveyed the rising water from his wheelchair.
Ray won the part of Leroy Johnson in the film, Fame, which was released in 1980.
It was in a meeting with the school principal, Leroy Johnson, that the girl and her sister described what had happened.
The principal, Leroy Johnson, 43, of Jamaica, recently pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting the girl, a relative, and agreed to a 12-year sentence.
Leroy Johnson said he has told his son not to discuss the incident.
After the death of Leroy Johnson in 1986, an internal conflict among fundamentalists spilled over into a bitter federal-court battle.