The campaign was contentious on the issues as well, with both the Liberals and Howard Hampton's New Democrats attacking the Tories' record in office.
Liberals attacked critics of dictators and one-party states as "ethnocentric racists," and conservatives preferred to deal with autocrats in power.
When Mulroney took over the reins of the Progressive Conservatives, Trudeau's Liberals attacked them with the slogan "Bring back Joe!"
Liberals attack their country and then go into diarrhea panic if anyone criticizes them.
Liberals relentlessly attack their own country, but we can't call them traitors, which they manifestly are, because that would be "McCarthyism," which never existed.
A minority or Liberals attacked the principle of state welfare, arguing that the state should rather encourage self-help and philanthropy.
On February 5, 1835, the Liberals attacked the same spot at the Second Battle of Arquijas but were repulsed.
Liberals attack every significant aspect of our culture that has made America great, while conservatives continue to support the values inherent in the common culture.
(Liberals attack this approach on the ground that it is far from clear what the authors of the Constitution's broad and open-ended phrases actually meant for their time, let alone ours.)
The Liberals were obviously attacking the wealthier classes in England, and the budget-making process was "a turbulent affair," Professor Addison writes.