In 1942 he was promoted to chief editor of the Liberation Daily after his predecessor Yang Song fell ill.
Only one major newspaper, Shanghai's Liberation Daily, printed a significant article on her, stating that "The witch is dead."
The article in Liberation Daily does not discuss this possibility, however.
"If Hua Tianqiang went to Hongchunping, it is such a steep place that accidents can happen very easily," Liberation Daily said.
In Shanghai, Liberation Daily said the fifth Shenzhou mission, set for the second half of 2003, would be "a historic breakthrough to a manned space program."
"In his home and in an isolated love nest he cajoled and seduced seven women," Liberation Daily reported.
The Herald used to be printed on the presses of the Liberation Daily and did not have to submit proofs for scrutiny before going to press.
The Liberation Daily in Shanghai said angry crowds set eight carriages ablaze after the incident.
An editorial in The Liberation Daily of Shanghai warned against putting too much store on May 18.
"People should not be surprised if artistic troupes appear, named after specific companies," Ms. Ma told Liberation Daily last month.