These expatriates are relatively wealthy and influential in Liberian politics.
But it also taps the paternalistic vein in Liberian politics.
The Party has remained active in Liberian politics since, and is now the ruling party in the Republic.
He also added a surprising coda to his promise to step down, calling his exile a brief "cooling-off period" before a return to Liberian politics.
The role women have played in Liberian politics has been substantial.
A chrome hubcap is the symbol for the president, who is called the "iron lady" of Liberian politics.
While the group may now be formally dissolved, the interpersonal linkages of the civil war era remain a key force in internal Liberian politics.
Graduates of the school have gone on to leadership roles in Liberian politics including former President Arthur Barclay.
After resigning from the Presidency, Coleman continued to be an active player in Liberian politics.
Within three years of his arrival, he became active in Liberian politics.