The Library has grown, added and subtracted parts, nearly been destroyed, and moved from one end of the campus to the other in its 100+ year career.
The Library receives some 22,000 items each working day and adds approximately 10,000 items to the collections daily.
"Libraries: An American Value," adopted in 1999, also adds to librarians' affirmation to support human rights.
Library adds 4,000 to 6,000 new volumes to its collection each year.
As of 2011, the Library has begun an expansion providing a larger children's and teen section, as well as added more conference spaces for events.
In 2002 the Library of Congress added it to the National Film Registry.
The British Library adds about three million items to its collection every year.
The Library added a legislative status database in 1975.
In 1992, the Library added lamps, benches and shrubs along the river bank and a sidewalk of bricks with donors' names.
Libraries can then log in to Content Reserve and add content to their virtual branch website.