At that time, the Brazilian military, acting on an American tip, seized four Libyan planes.
Whatever the explanation, something foolish was done in the Mediterranean sky and Libyan planes were destroyed.
In contrast, the Navy aviators had a clear radar picture of the Libyan planes.
The American pilots did not ask their carrier for permission to fire on the Libyan planes.
Such an advance would for the first time give Libyan planes the ability to attack Israel.
The base had often been used by Libyan planes that bombed Chad.
Since then, there has not been any fighting, but Libyan planes have repeatedly violated Chad's air space to conduct surveillance flights.
Forrestal aircraft made more than 60% of all the intercepts of Libyan planes.
He said that because of the Chadians' missile ability, Libyan planes were having to fly higher.
You've mentioned the fact that the Libyan planes continued to close.