The real number could be much higher, considering the stigma attached to rape victims in Libyan society.
It also reiterated the country's "confidence that these events will not affect the democratization process the Libyan society is currently engaged in."
He proceeded to complain bitterly of how closed, suspicious and prying Libyan society is.
Libyan society is to a large extent structured along tribal lines, with more than 20 major tribal groups.
His success has been one of the least heralded changes in Libyan society, but one that made a huge difference in many people's lives.
He is proud of bringing at least one aspect of Libyan society into the mainstream.
The training programme is part of a wider plan to re-integrate 200,000 former rebel fighters into Libyan society.
Libya is largely structured along tribal lines with tribes being very important in Libyan society.
We will see; some will certainly want to stay if Libyan society remains stable and moves forward positively.
They emphasize however about the Libyan civil society that their network: