Vanuatu's ruling party enjoyed Libyan support.
The Red Codos, formed with Libyan and GUNT support, were the most effective.
He said he was not convinced by the President's evidence concerning Libyan support of terrorism.
Shahkhia spoke like someone with a wide base of Libyan support too.
Colonel Qaddafi also indicated that there may have been a "misunderstanding" over Libyan support for what he called "reform" in Saudi Arabia.
In addition to the multilateral forces, there have been bilateral support from other African countries, such as the Libyan and Congolese support to Patassé, mentioned above.
Libyan support for the Polisario in the Western Sahara facilitated early post independence Algerian relations with Libya.
In the summer of 1983, GUNT forces launched an offensive against government positions in northern and eastern Chad with heavy Libyan support.
The Reagan Administration said those raids were mounted to deter Libyan support for terrorism.
The United States places an embargo on Libyan oil imports, alleging Libyan support for terrorist groups.