Boys' Life published an excerpt from Grand National and gave the book a positive review, calling it "exciting".
It came out in 1969, and, shortly afterward, Life published an article about one of her seminars.
Life published several of these photos in the December 7, 1953 issue, which also carried a Shaw cover of Hepburn.
Life published the photograph the next week and since then, that moment has become an icon of an American celebration, known the world over.
Its final issue contained an indignant article about a picture Life had published of some salt flats in Utah.
Life published it as a "Picture of the Week" alongside an editorial about the reality of the war.
Haas spent two months photographing New York, and in 1953 Life published his vivid images.
That year Life published photographs of its rites for the first time.
Life also published a list of the 100 Most Important People of the Millennium.
The church permitted Life to publish the first public photographs of the building's interior in 1938.