Starting June 17, 2006, The Journal added a Life section on Saturdays.
This article appeared on p11 of the Life section of the Guardian on Wednesday 18 June 2003.
And next month, small ads for Wrigley chewing gums will run in the same position on the front of its Life section.
The column consisted of short "plugs, superlatives and dropped names" but was dropped when the newspaper redesigned its "Life" section.
Capra has a monthly column in the Globe and Mail's "New Life" section.
Since 1990, his weekday column, "Social Studies", has been running on the back page of the Life section.
"Impossibly out of touch", The Nation, Life section (retrieved on December 9, 2006).
Shouldn't Jackson be in the "Life" section of the paper?
As an editor in the Life section, she was responsible for the paper's daily celebrity coverage.
She is currently an editor of the Life section.