Alfred Edmund Brehm (1829-1885) in (Animal's Life) wrote about these dogs.
The Life was written by Jocelyn of Furness in ca. 1185, and is thus slightly younger than Chrétien's text, but not influenced by it.
Life on Another Planet (2007), graphic novel written and drawn by Will Eisner.
Life always full of next chapters, some of them written.
The Life of Glückel of Hameln 1646-1724, written by herself.
"Life," she writes, "showers over everything, radiant, gushing," and so does she.
Life writes our scripts, and we just get to ad lib now and again.
The Life of Luther Written by Himself, ed.
Life of George Bent Written from His Letters.
Life wrote that Pozo was a "frenzied drummer", "shouting incoherently" in apparent "bop transport".