The move was broadly welcomed by Linux distributors.
In response, commercial Linux distributors produced their own studies, surveys and testimonials to counter Microsoft's campaign.
Red Hat Software, the Linux distributor, may have had big things in mind when it started its set of blogs six months ago.
Outside of Ubuntu, other Linux distributors have tried to pick up Ayatana, with varying success.
A significant portion of that code is now contributed by major companies, including commercial Linux distributors, consumer electronics manufacturers, and chip vendors.
Fragmentation isn't going to happen, because developers outside of the Linux distributors effectively control all the key pieces.
Some Linux distributors also run 'partnership' programs to endorse suppliers of machines with their system pre-installed.
The project is gaining significant traction among Linux distributors and many have partnered with Intel to participate in the development effort.
Canonical is unusual among major commercial Linux distributors in the sense that it doesn't sell an "enterprise" or "pro" version of its software.
But these alleged violations by IBM would not have involved Linux distributors or end users.