The commercial sector has only recently begun developing Linux software, and the number of commercial programs is beginning to grow.
It is also possible to download a panoply of Linux software, including the operating system itself, directly off the Net.
The Disney move is the latest commitment by major studios and special-effects houses to Linux software.
It also includes a Linux software and hardware directory.
It also resells harddisks and sells certain Linux software which is only with bundled computers.
The organization was created three years ago to encourage the development of Linux software for both corporate data centers and telecommunications companies.
Since Linux software is free, hundreds of dollars could be cut off the price of a computer.
LinApp is a database of commercial Linux software, including games.
Finally, it's a nice way to run Linux software under Windows and vice-versa.
It is released twice a year on a six-month development cycle and typically ships with the latest cutting-edge Linux software.