The PMO hoped to rely on the assistance of sympathetic Lithuanian activists.
Abramowicz held active correspondence with Lithuanian Jonas Šliūpas and other Lithuanian activists.
During this observance the Flag of Lithuania is hoisted, and Lithuanian cultural activists and politicians deliver speeches from its balcony to the people gathered below.
He joined Lithuanian activists in 1909.
The party was named by the prominent Lithuanian activist and writer Juozas Tumas-Vaižgantas, who regarded progress as the main aspect of future politics.
In the same year 48 Lithuanian schools were closed and 11 Lithuanian activist were deported.
Rather than waiting for an unfavorable decision by the Allies, Lithuanian activists decided to organize a revolt, capture the region, and present a fait accompli.
Initially all its members were German, which caused protests among the Prussian Lithuanian activists.
Romas Zabarauskas (born May 31, 1990) is a Lithuanian activist, film director, screen writer and producer.