As this was contrary to the existing law, his presidency remained unrecognised by Lithuanian diplomats.
Lozoraitis was a Lithuanian diplomat, who spent almost all his life in Italy and the United States representing the interwar independent Lithuania.
Juozas Urbšys, Lithuanian diplomat.
Algirdas Paleckis is a Lithuanian diplomat and politician.
At the same time Lithuanian diplomats approached foreign powers in a bid for international support.
Lithuanian diplomats were divided on the issue, while popular opinion was strongly against accepting the ultimatum.
As such, he is not recognized as a legitimate president by Lithuanian diplomats.
Almost immediately Lithuanian diplomats were invited to Moscow for negotiations.
The ex-leader of conservative party, Euro-parliamentary Vytautas Landsbergis stated that the death of the Lithuanian diplomat is nothing else but the political assassination.
Lithuanian diplomats characterized the acceptance as a "necessary evil" that preserved its independence and hoped it was merely a temporary retreat.