A spokesman for the Lithuanian prosecutor said today that Mr. Lileikis had arrived in Lithuania and that he would be questioned this week, Reuters reported.
The Lithuanian prosecutor general subsequently opened its own investigation into the massacre.
As part of its investigation, Lithuanian prosecutors have sought out Jewish veterans of the partisan movement, including Ginaitė, for questioning.
The Association has also filed a complaint with the Lithuanian prosecutor, asking for investigation of the issue.
Lithuanian prosecutors want to question him as part of an investigation into alleged asset stripping at Snoras Bank.
Antonov wrote on his Facebook Page, claiming he is a victim of politics Antonov faced against extradition to face Lithuanian prosecutors was delayed until January.
Burokevičius was indicted by Lithuanian prosecutors as a suspect in a criminal with regard to the January Events case on 22 August 1991.
After Lithuania declared independence in 1990, Lithuanian prosecutors began a criminal case, but Israel refused to extradite him.
In 1996, now-independent Lithuanian prosecutors opened a criminal case.