The over 350-year old Parker House at 235 Rumson Road in Little Silver is a state historic site.
The bill's sponsor, John O. Bennett, Republican of Little Silver, said he also backs a measure to put a $295 million prison-building bond issue before the voters.
Red Bank Regional High School, 101 Ridge Road, Little Silver.
"I like this whole concept," Mr. Biberman said as he waved a hand around the second-floor offices of iCan in Little Silver.
Christine Ratty of Little Silver, whose family shares the cabana with the Dwecks, said: "People get these and keep them for years.
Sickle's Market 1 Harrison Avenue, Little Silver; (732) 741-9563.
She is a daughter of Thomas and Barbara Judge of Little Silver, N.J.
"We work for the city and we get parking tickets," said Dan Muller of Little Silver, a lifeguard.
At Sickles Market in Little Silver, N.J., you won't find a single fake tree.
Prior to the 2011 reapportionment following the 2010 Census, Little Silver had been in the 12th state legislative district.