It seems that the experts will have to revise their casualty numbers for both the Kosovo conflict and the Littleton shootings.
The search for cause in the Littleton shootings continues, and much of it has come to focus on violent video games.
The relatively few instances since the Littleton shooting in which gun advocates have scored successes have been met with blistering counterattacks.
In some ways, the setbacks encountered by gun-rights advocates began well before the Littleton shooting.
But the reaction after the Littleton shooting, including Representative Floyd's emotional conversion to antigun causes, has clearly given new force to that side.
The Littleton shootings have placed school officials in the position of treating every threat as though it might be carried out.
But for many Chaparral students, the Littleton shootings came as a forceful reminder of what group grudges can lead to.
He said that the Littleton shootings had left a vast misimpression of where the rifle association stood on several issues.
For strategists like Ms. Paiss who were trying to develop a response to the Littleton shootings, the immediate problem was what to say.
Gun control opponents say they have been unfairly attacked by politicians in the weeks since the Littleton shootings.