"Right, and the little-man game is called Lode Runner."
The disk says Lode Runner, and yet what comes up is the little-man game!
The game plays is like Lode Runner except it takes place in pyramids instead of Egyptian ruins.
It draws obvious influence from the earlier game Lode Runner.
It was based on Lode Runner, a very popular home computer game, which was released in 1983 by Broderbund.
Upon clearing the screen a kusudama opens up and drops streamers on Lode Runner.
You are the last hope; the last of the great Lode Runners.
Big Top is a standard ladder platform game similar in design to Lode Runner.
In general, depending on the exact positioning relative to Lode Runner, the guards sometimes appear to be repelled.
The original Lode Runner followed in June 2007.