In 1972 he began studying typographic design at the London College of Printing.
He then studied teaching, before in 1973 becoming a lecturer in media studies at the London College of Printing.
He studied photography at the London College of Printing.
After graduating from the London College of Printing, he began his career in portraiture.
Upon his return to England, he studied photography, film & video at the London College of Printing.
In 1938 he left his parents and two younger brothers behind in Hungary to learn the family trade at the London College of Printing.
Murray moved to bass shortly before studying graphic design at the London College of Printing.
As 1979, finished his studies at London College of Printing.
She subsequently studied journalism at the London College of Printing.
In 1981 he documented the Brixton riots and began a foundation course at the London College of Printing.