We also hope to get a London listing.
The airline raised $1.08 billion in its Hong Kong and London listings, managed by Merrill Lynch and China International Capital.
After yesterday's settlement, Polyus will be left with KazakhGold's London listing, clearing the way for a second attempt at a reverse takeover.
Despite concerns over rules on London listings the Act was broadly welcomed by the business community including the CBI and the British Chambers of Commerce.
North listings London listings South listings Central listings Festivals Show five more.
The imaginatively titled "Additional Information Document", which details the plans of Russia's fourth biggest gold miner for a London listing, runs to 606 pages.
Comedy Jimmy Carr Awards and prizes Festivals London listings Show five more.
"We're extremely comfortable with the London listings," said Allan Conway, head of global emerging market equities at Schroders in London.
But, particularly as it moved toward a London listing last year, the company faced a clamor from shareholders for a simpler structure.
The band was named by sticking a pin in a London listings magazine, Time Out.