This annual social media-driven event, held on subway systems worldwide on Sunday, saw 150 people strip to their underwear on the London tube.
She once jokingly asked me what it was like on the London tube.
Please note there are rats in London tube, sure that's most dangerous than a bunch of people in tents .
From here you can reach most London tube and train stations within 45 minutes.
Bombing the London tube and blowing a bus full of people in the city into destruction just a one off?
Fingers are crossed that huge spending cuts will spare capital projects (road, rail, London tube, for example) that would create - or at least protect - jobs.
It reminded me of the London tubes during an air raid.
Some women cannot wait for the bedroom and beg for it then and there, on the street or on the London tube.
You can take the London tube into the city, which I think takes about an hour.
Tasks based on road, town, London tube and contour maps proved to have a wide range of success rates.