John Winslow, Major-General in British Army who removed the Acadians from Nova Scotia, as described in famous Longfellow poem, "Evangeline".
The play's paradoxical title is borrowed from a Longfellow poem about how the lives of great men serve as a reminder to make our own sublime, "and leave behind us footprints in the sands of time."
Ray has an unrequited love for the Evening Star, which he believes is another firefly named "Evangeline" (a reference to the 19th-century Longfellow poem).
The least scary is horrid, perhaps because of the Longfellow poem about the good little girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead - "But when she was bad she was horrid."
In a classic experiment in the 1930s, J. Stalnaker and E. Riddle asked subjects to recite a Longfellow poem,The Village Smith, that they had learned years before in school.
The original church building, built in 1715 and the subject of a Longfellow poem, still stands.
Death is sometimes personified as the Grim Reaper, and the hooded skeleton with his scythe has made appearances in everything from Longfellow poems to Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels.
Mrs. Peppercorn - from whom Freddy is renting in town - cheers him with her improved version of a Longfellow poem, for example changing:
October 3 - Myles Standish, American colonist, best known through the Longfellow poem (born c.1584)
Awake, Beloved" from "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast," Samuel Coleridge-Taylor's lyrical cantata setting of the Longfellow poem.