Lopez Island is flatter than most of the other major San Juan Islands, making it a popular destination for bicycle tourists.
Lopez Island, with rolling woodlands and hidden coves, is ideal for bikes.
The name comes from the nearby Iceberg Point on Lopez Island.
It is located just off the southern tip of Lopez Island.
Haro Strait and Lopez Island are both named after him.
They anchored near Point Colville at the southern end of Lopez Island.
Two years later, Neslund's wife murdered him on Lopez Island, later claiming that he had returned to Norway.
It lies near Point Colville, on the southeastern tip of Lopez Island.
It started a little over a month ago when I was staying at my house on Lopez Island.
Our next stop was Lopez Island, population 2,100, where the woman running the ferry dock had pigtails and wore a big straw hat and sandals.