Saul, N. states that such feoffees were likely to have been members of Lord Berkeley's retinue.
As chaplain to Lord Berkeley, he spent much of his time in Dublin and traveled to London frequently over the next ten years.
She brought with her also a lover, Lord Berkeley.
The ruined northwest square tower dates to the 14th century (Lord Berkeley's work), further modified in the late 15th century.
Tyndale's uncle, Edward, was receiver to the lands of Lord Berkeley.
My Lord Berkeley is dead--let him stay so.
Yes, it is young Lord Berkeley, who perished so heroically in the awful conflagration, what is the matter?
That's Lord Berkeley to a dot, you can see it look at that sheep!
Lord Berkeley of Stratton was married but had no children.
The relationship with Lord Berkeley ended in 1741, when she accepted her husband's offer of an income and a separate household.