This was a most embarrassing situation, one in which Lord Darlington would never have placed an employee.
Lord Darlington, I should say, had actually witnessed my father's fall of a week or so earlier.
Lord Darlington called me into his study, and I could see at once that he was in a state of some agitation.
I felt something touch my elbow and turned to find Lord Darlington.
Chloe then finds out his true identity - Lord Darlington.
In his world he's the equivalent to Lord Darlington, someone who, when the chips are down, is to be trusted.
Lord Darlington's friends have proved their point: universal suffrage is an appalling waste of time.
He demands to know if Lord Darlington has her hidden somewhere.
Lord Darlington was a sincere, well-meaning man, eager to further what he believed to be the common good of humanity.
Lord Darlington leaned too close to her- again.