It is said that the demons were in a dominating position and this troubled Lord Indra.
As a result, not only did Lord Indra end up winning the battle but also escaped from it unhurt.
In the coastal regions, it is a harvest festival dedicated to Lord Indra.
Lord Indra explains that he has served his time in hell, and has also been a good king.
Lord Indra's position became shaky because of his increased merit.
Lord Indra must obtain the cooperation of the danava.
He is said to have built the regal city to "match that of Lord Indra".
The elephant, knowing that Lord Indra had no control over his own ego, threw the garland to the ground.
Lord Indra is worshiped for the abundance of harvest, thereby bringing plenty and prosperity to the land.
Hence the name of the province literally means Lord Indra.