"The lottery commission is taking a huge risk by allowing this game to open before final court decisions are made."
The winner and the agent each keep a copy of the form that goes to the lottery commission.
It is owned jointly by the five provincial lottery commissions.
Miers resigned from the lottery commission in early 2000, a year before her term ended.
The decision is pending final approval, which is expected, from the lottery commission.
Potts died on 19 December 2003, shortly after retiring from the lottery commission.
The call instructed the legislature to consider a bill based on the recommendations of Wilkinson's lottery commission.
Those questions, if approved, would set up a lottery commission and create a lottery trust fund.
As we speak, that money has been placed into a special escrow account set up by the Lottery Commission under your name.
Planning for the replacement building began in 1993 and received a significant boost when the Lottery Commission provided £3.75 million towards the fund.