Polls show that Louisiana residents are more liberal than the Legislature on this issue.
Today, approximately 300,000 Louisiana residents drink water drawn from the bayou.
Some Louisiana residents said that the state's reputation would change only if a steady federal vigilance was maintained.
They may disagree on whose chicken is best, but Louisiana residents certainly share Kentuckians' love of fast food.
Louisiana residents relocated across the country for temporary housing, and many have not returned.
In return, every year each legislator gets a one-year scholarship to award to a Louisiana resident.
Most of the 1.6 million Louisiana residents who had evacuated their homes began returning this afternoon.
Resources for Louisiana residents who are seeking employment.
Many Louisiana residents are still living in other states, debating whether to return, a problem Mississippi does not have.
The bureau said that 23.1 percent of Louisiana residents lacked health insurance in 1992-93.