Part of the plot hinges on the refigeration system breaking down, again as in the Lovecraft story.
Because without it, we might as well all be in a Lovecraft story.
It is currently available online, and will later be published in a graphic novel along with four other Lovecraft stories.
In the Lovecraft story, body-switching also takes place, and has an added twist when a third party gets involved without the narrator's knowledge.
The 'evil' aliens in the Lovecraft stories aren't evil; they're indifferent.
Warren is referred to in other Lovecraft stories.
The volume is named for the Lovecraft short story "The Outsider".
At the Mountains of Madness has numerous connections to other Lovecraft stories.
However, many reviewers have noted that the plot of this film is completely unrelated to the Lovecraft short story.
The story has been included in two collections of Lovecraft stories: