Barnes began his career in journalism working as a reporter for The Lowell Sun in Lowell, Massachusetts.
His father retired as a compositor for The Lowell Sun.
The Lowell Sun called Eldridge's third place finish a "sign of a bright future".
He worked briefly for his hometown newspaper, The Lowell Sun.
The Lowell Sun is the smallest independent newspaper to have won an OPC award.
The perpetrator turned himself in two weeks later upon seeing pictures of the destroyed headstones in the Lowell Sun.
In March 2002 during his run for governor, Romney told the Lowell Sun that, "On a personal basis, I don't favor abortion.
Advertisers were scared off when the Lowell Sun blacklisted anyone who advertised on the station.
She worked as a reporter at The Lowell Sun, but did not meet Mr. Tsongas until she became his press secretary.
Sullivan began his career as a columnist and political editor for the Lowell Sun in 1991.