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Good Luck Chuck: "A comedy so lame its plot could've been swiped from a Bazooka Joe wrapper."
Good Luck Chuck (2005)
She modeled her character on women in similarly-themed comedies such as The Art of Seduction and Good Luck Chuck.
The single 'Good Weekend' has been featured on the Channel 4 programme Skins as well as the romantic comedy Good Luck Chuck.
After that, he directed his first feature, Good Luck Chuck, using Julia Wong as his editor.
Good Luck Chuck (2007)
Good Luck Chuck is a 2007 comedy movie starring Jessica Alba and Dane Cook.
Good Luck Chuck (Mark Helfrich, Lions Gate Films)
But many of them probably wonder what she was thinking when she made stinkers like "Good Luck Chuck," "Honey," .
Smiley appearred in the 2009 horror film Murder World and in the comedy film Good Luck Chuck.