Lufthansa Airlines (0845 773 7747;
Lufthansa Airlines flies daily from Frankfurt and Munich.
In East Meadow, 800-number operators have been booking flights for Lufthansa Airlines for 20 years.
Lufthansa Airlines offers another solution for man and woman.
Lufthansa Airlines, the German carrier, said yesterday that it was opening two more routes between the United States and Germany with business-class-only flights.
Travel sponsors were Lufthansa Airlines.
The show is sponsored by Lufthansa Airlines.
Lufthansa Airlines ( ; 022 312371)
And as recently as 1978, organized-crime members bribed air-freight employees and made off with $5.8 million in cash and jewelry from Lufthansa Airlines.
On March 22, 2005, SWISS was purchased by Lufthansa Airlines.