Then, ahead, Harry saw a faintly luminous arc of light.
Even as he watched, the two second suns stretched out into arcs, and a third luminous arc formed above the sun.
Luminous Arc managed to sell 25,676 copies during its debut week in Japan.
Luminous Arc 3 follows the base gameplay of the previous games of the series with few improvements.
A manga based on the story of Luminous Arc 2 has begun serialization.
The cane turned - pointed, twirled like a wand in a sweeping, luminous arc - 'I must be frank.
ConSensus plotted their paths in an instant; luminous arcs rose around our ship like the bars of a cage.
Luminous Arc 3: Eyes was released on December 10, 2009 in Japan.
Luminous Arc was met with mixed reviews.
The eerie lights can form luminous arcs, streamers, veils, rays and curtains.