It was leased for only 3 months by a Luxembourg-based company and had previously served in the Swedish Navy in an anti-submarine patrol role.
The move is the latest maneuver in a heated fight for control of some or all of Arcelor, a Luxembourg-based company that is the world's second-largest steel manufacturer.
Earlier this year, Ifi International, the Agnellis' Luxembourg-based holding company that is making the bid, acquired a 21.8 percent stake in Exor.
In 2009, Luxspace, a Luxembourg-based company, launched the RUBIN-9.1 satellite (AIS Pathfinder 2).
Minorco, a Luxembourg-based company, has no South African investments.
Finesti is a Luxembourg-based company that carries out collection, management and dissemination of data and documents related to investment funds.
The Luxembourg-based company had originally planned an early 1996 starting date.
As NCP, Luxinnovation is the mediator between ESA and the Luxembourg-based companies and institutes engaged in space activities and research.
It was bought by Glenn Arrow UK Property, which is owned by the Luxembourg-based company, Ærium.
His vehicle for the bid is a Luxembourg-based holding company, the Minerals and Resources Corporation, known as Minorco.