The play opened at the Lyceum Theatre on February 19, 1894.
He appeared in the same role when it was revived at the Lyceum Theatre the following year.
The second revival opened at the Lyceum Theatre on October 16, 1969.
That being said, I was very happy to be at the Lyceum Theater.
There was also a video made of a different live performance (Lyceum Theatre, 9 December 1970).
"The audience taught me a lot about the play," she said between rehearsals at the Lyceum Theater.
The same four actors also appeared in the 1999 Broadway production, at the Lyceum Theatre.
The show will have five performances only, from June 21 to 25, at the Lyceum Theater.
Last production at the old Lyceum Theatre, 125 perfs.
The Lyceum Theater operated at this site, in an earlier building, in the early twentieth century.