The relatively low temperature gives Menkar the red hue of an M-type star.
The same model predicts the outer atmosphere has a low effective temperature of 3,318 K, giving it the orange-red hue of an M-type star.
There is also one M-type star, magnitude 4.81 34 Boötis.
Catalog contains about 5000 objects, most of them are M-type stars.
This low temperature accounts for the dull red color of an M-type star.
The effective temperature of the outer envelope is 3,690 K, giving it the cool reddish glow of an M-type star.
This system consists of two M-type stars.
Xi (4.4) is an M-type red star.
Nu, in the field with Beta, is of magnitude 3.9 and is another M-type red star.
The outer envelope has an effective temperature of 4,111 K, giving it the red-orange hue of an M-type star.