Marla Maples has good reason to worry about the press.
Marla Maples recently described her former husband as addicted to attention.
Marla Maples, the model and actress, couldn't be more gracious to them.
Or she could have a personal consultation with Marla Maples.
"What kind of a wedding dress are you going to make for Marla Maples?"
At one point the show's proposed host was none other than Marla Maples.
"I wouldn't have bought a book by Marla Maples," he said.
For the next episode maybe you're cuffed with Marla Maples.
He even announced that he and his wife at the time, Marla Maples, would live there.
"I had my picture taken with Marla Maples," he says, star-struck despite his own celebrity.