Mac Donald was born in California.
Mac Donald has advocated a variety of political positions, including the following:
Mac Donald has caused controversy in conservative circles by arguing that religion is not necessary for conservatism.
Mac Donald advocated for increased use of computer database searches to catch terrorists in a growing technology called data mining.
Mac Donald thought that the idea of actions in the first scenario affecting the second was "cool in concept", but underutilized in the game.
"People always say it would be great to have competitive districts," Mac Donald explained.
"To this day it remains the biggest conventional explosion to detonate in the midst of a civilian population," Mac Donald writes.
"The exterior will have the consistency of a 1970's Naugahyde couch," Mac Donald says.
"Everybody looks at a straight, 90-degree-angle wood wall and thinks, That's the normative condition that must be the strongest," Mac Donald says.
"It had a great resilience," Mac Donald says.