Mirwais contributed the following tracks to the Madonna albums:
Their association appeared to end soon after working on several songs together in 1994 for a Madonna album that did not eventuate.
We all know what a compact disc is (an expensive little Madonna album with no hissing).
The soundtrack is credited as a Madonna album, despite her only performing four of the nine tracks on the album.
It is considered a Madonna album by Warner Bros.
Another open office became a stage where a D.J. set up his gear, playing high energy club music and tracks from the new Madonna album.
They want to make a lot of money so they can go out and buy more penny loafers and Madonna albums.
The first project for the label will be a new Madonna album, as yet untitled, to be released in the fall.
The album became the fifth consecutive Madonna album to top the chart.
The album shares a name with, and a similar cover to, the Madonna album, which was released only one week later.