But Pentagon officials expressed doubt that new initiatives would emerge from the Madrid meetings.
Two important developments in the past week have greatly improved prospects for a successful Madrid meeting.
But on the eve of the Madrid meeting, European leaders are again sending contradictory signals about what they expect from America.
The Egyptian police arrested more than 60 people for distributing leaflets that denounce the Madrid meeting and call for a holy war against Israel.
He does refer to five other sources who "have independently confirmed" the first Madrid meeting.
Leading anti-whaling nations such as Ireland, France and New Zealand were not represented at the Madrid meeting.
I warned the Council and the Commission during the debate prior to the Madrid meeting of the foreseeable risk that these countries might be disappointed.
As Mr Scholz emphasised, since the Madrid meeting, the European Commission has begun to take determined action.
No real progress in arms control is expected to be made - or even attempted - at the Madrid meeting, officials said.
Assessing the Madrid meetings, officials here saw no surprises in their fruitless talks with Syria.