Madrid newspapers issued special midday editions, and TV stations rearranged their regular programming schedules.
Documents published by a Madrid newspaper this month suggested that he had kept a secret investment portfolio and failed to pay taxes on huge profits.
The crisis has unsettled financial markets, and polls taken on Tuesday by two Madrid newspapers indicated that 52 percent of Spaniards did not believe the Prime Minister.
According to a Madrid daily newspaper, ABC, the police confiscated 14 handguns, 5 shotguns, a rifle, a carbine and more than 800 rounds of ammunition.
Such was his prestige that when a Madrid newspaper reported in 1992 that he had made illegal investments Mr. Gonzalez himself vouched for his honesty.
And only this month, Madrid newspapers were speculating about a new rebellion brewing inside Banesto's board.
Rupérez transcribed the meeting's details which El País, a Madrid daily newspaper, published on September 26, 2007.
He had brought a copy of a Madrid newspaper, which the Lieutenant dismissed as bogus.
The couple were exposed by Galician and Madrid newspapers and, as a consequence of this, both quickly lost their jobs, were excommunicated, and were issued an arrest warrant.
In the 1940's he also worked as a music critic for various Madrid newspapers and was musical adviser for Spain's National Radio.