Bruno opposed giving Tieri this extra money and pleaded his family's case to the Mafia Commission.
The film was about the formation of the Mafia Commission in the United States.
However, the Mafia Commission continued to recognize Stefano as family boss until his death.
Gambino and Lucchese assumed full control of the Mafia Commission.
He claimed that there was Mafia Commission on a global scale, which has been discarded by most serious academics and law enforcement specialists.
In late 1963, after an unsuccessful attempt to take over the Mafia Commission, Magliocco was forced out of the family.
Joe Colombo went to the Mafia Commission instead and talked about the plot to murder them.
However, the Mafia Commission did not endorse him as the new family leader.
The family had been decimated, but the Mafia Commission would not allow the induction of new members until the two warring factions made peace.
These ties gave Barbara more influence in the Mafia Commission, which regulated all the crime families.