Already this month, the Magellan fund has attracted $65 million in new cash.
The Magellan fund rose 1.7 percent, placing it near the bottom in its category.
He also held between $100,000 and $250,000 worth of shares in the Magellan Fund.
Fidelity's Magellan fund took a similar course, but in November.
In 1977, he took over management of the Magellan fund, which had a 29 percent annual rate of return under his tenure.
The Magellan Fund adds up to 1,400 stocks representing more than $9 billion in value.
Fidelity Investments has decided to close the Magellan fund to new investors.
Should we put it into the Magellan Fund, since it is doing so well?
With that turnaround, some of these funds - including the $100 billion Magellan fund - have begun generating more each month in management fees.
Many analysts questioned whether the Magellan fund should hold bonds at all, though the fund's prospectus states it might do so.